A manor house in Überetsch full of history

Walk in the footsteps of the Mörlhof

Once upon a time... an old property in the Überetsch architectural style, which could once have been a manor house, a castle or even a palace. It belonged to the von Mörl family, who were subject to the "Altenburg" court near Warth (today St. Pauls/Eppan). The preposition "von" used to indicate the place of residence or the lordship. Around 1630, when the family's coat of arms was created, it was customary to use it to designate noble houses.

The coat of arms - a story in itself

Was the bearer of the coat of arms already the owner of the estate in Unterplanitzing? Or did he acquire it as an acquaintance of relatives? In any case, the fact is that most estates at that time bore the name of the last owner. It must have been very profitable, as it housed a closed household and was possibly used for trade, to supply the innkeepers - after all, the Kaltern market square was only 4 kilometres away.

The coat of arms of the manor, which is dated 1627, was established in the middle of the 30 Years' War between Catholics and Protestants.

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